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Meet Melanie

Hello! I'm Melanie


Certified Personal and Executive Coach, Mechanical Engineer, MBA, PMP

I am a certified personal and executive coach, authentic leader, mechanical engineer and proud introvert. My most important role, however, is being a mother to my three amazing daughters.

My mission is to help women in STEM, walk in their purpose, lead phenomenal lives and fulfilling careers with intention, integrity, resilience and joy.


Simply stated, I want to help you become THE BEST version of yourself you can be by honoring your authentic self and anchoring into your core strengths and values.


How? By using my FOUNDATIONS framework that I developed based on my 30 years of experience successfully leading and developing technical people. Using this framework will help you deploy sustainable strategies and time tested tactics, supported by positive psychology behaviors, to achieve the things that you want most for your life. 

If you are interested in finding out if we are a good fit for each other, schedule a discovery call today!

Leading with Love & Logic,


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Foundations Framework

  1. Drawing wisdom from others' triumphs and failures enables efficient learning - Unnecessarily repeating mistakes that others have already made hampers progress. By embracing these lessons, one can forge ahead more swiftly.

  2. Embracing errors as part of the process - Learning from the experiences of others does not exempt us from making our own mistakes. However, by cultivating awareness and taking responsibility, we can bounce back and grow at an accelerated pace.

  3. Planning fosters preparedness and adaptability - Having a plan does not stifle creativity; instead, it empowers us to innovate within the boundaries we have set for our goals. By establishing this framework, we can embrace the journey without fearing the unknown.

  4. Embracing the need to pivot - Continuously updating our skills, staying attuned to the job market, and actively networking prepares us for unexpected life and career transitions. This proactive approach reduces stress and anxiety when faced with change.

  5. Self-awareness is vital for identifying and harnessing our unique strengths - Genuinely recognizing and honoring who we are and how we want to contribute to the world is essential for consistently living in alignment with our purpose.

Ready to get started?

Take the first step today and reach out to me for a complimentary and confidential 30-minute session. It's an opportunity to experience the incredible value of a coaching relationship firsthand and get all your questions answered.

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